Did you know 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime? We’re partnering with Petco Love Lost to help pets reunite with their families. Petco Love Lost is a free, easy-to-use national resource, using patented pet facial recognition technology to make it easier than ever to find possible matches for lost and found pets. Join us, and let’s unite to reunite at petcolovelost.org.
Sadly, according to industry statistics, one in every three pets will go missing in their lifetime. To change the outcome for missing dogs and cats, Petco Love Lost is a simple-to-use tool that is easily accessible by pet parents, participating animal organizations nationwide, as well as anyone who finds a lost pet.
With just one simple photo upload of a missing dog or cat, Petco Love Lost immediately scans the image using the latest facial recognition technology to determine whether there is a match at a participating shelter or with a neighbor in the community. The search is free of charge and can be completed in less than a minute.
Don’t let the unthinkable happen to you. Here are four steps you can take to prevent your pet from becoming lost:
Snap a photo of your pet.
Upload your pet’s photo at petcolovelost.org.
If your pet goes missing, just one click uses pet facial recognition technology to search our national database of found pets.
Create a shareable lost pet alert
Petco Love Lost was created by Petco Love (formerly known as the Petco Foundation), a national non-profit working to lead and inspire change for animals. Angel of Hope is proudly joining forces with Petco Love, and approximately 1,000 other participating shelters and rescues across the country, on a shared mission to help reunite lost pets with their families.
More Info on Lost Cats
Kitties don’t usually stray far from home right away, so check the area very well. Check under trees, bushes, decks, porches, in deep window wells, garages, sheds, vehicles, etc.
In the event that your cat goes missing, here are some very important tips to do right away to increase the chances that your cat will be found!
Please read the tips on these websites: https://missionreunite.org and www.catsinthebag.org
Immediately start to search: do not wait 12 hours, 24 hours or even a week. Time is of the essence!
Check out window wells, in sheds & garages, under decks & grills, in bushes; anywhere a cat could hide.
Put up flyers immediately around your neighborhood. Give the flyers to local vets, emergency vets, animal impounds in your area and to your mail carrier.
Please post on Craigslist ‘Lost and Found’ section under “Community”
Post on Humane Society website: www.animalhumanesociety.org/lostandfound.
Post on MN Lost/Found Cats Group on facebook; Lost Cats Minnesota; Lost & Found Cats of Minnesota, Pawboost and Nextdoor.com.
Post on all local, community or county Facebook groups
Also keep checking on social media daily and keep renewing your craigslist ad every few days.
Put out dirty cat box/litter in your yard and can sprinkle some around yard.\
Put out some smelly canned food and also clothing or items with your scent.
Check at dusk, dawn and evening; keep calling your cat's name and talk to your cat saying things that you would normally say out loud at home
Searching on foot daily is very important as well.
Search and search again... notify and talk to neighbors, starting out at a one block radius and working out further each time.
Let your local police department know.
Keep in mind that indoor only cats typically do not stray very far from home.
Spread the word even farther by posting on these sites:
FidoAlert site
FidoAlert.com is a free nationwide pet alert network designed to reunite lost pets with their owners through our unique FidoID and QR tag system. Resource for when a pet is missing: https://www.fidoalert.com/lost-my-pet.