Posts in Broken Wing Fund'

Look at what a difference rescue makes!

Barbossa came to us from a local farm last winter that was overwhelmed with cats. On the day of our visit, we took in five cats, all suffering from severe upper respiratory infections, with Barbossa in the worst condition. Our vet team examined them immediately and started them on antibiotics and antiviral medications. While the others improved quickly, Barbossa’s recovery lagged, and our worst fears were confirmed – he had FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)

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The 'Broken Wing Fund' and why it's important

Let’s talk about Angel of Hope’s ‘Broken Wing Fund’ and why it’s important to have such a fund at the ready. We often take in angels that need some extra love and care. Whether that’s specialty surgeries, extra vetting services, or an extended stay in foster care to heal or readjust to life in a safe environment. When you donate to our ‘Broken Wing Fund’ you’re ensuring that we have the resources to do those specialty surgeries. Donations let us say yes – knowing we can take care of whatever comes our way, in advance, thanks to the support and donations of this fund.

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